Under your tough shell lies a frisky soul
Snoozing in a corner when you are alone
You somersault when we are around
Thinking you are Spiderman you try to cross the glass walls
You don't speak a word as you stare into the world
But when we are around, baby you do rock
Your needs are little as are you
Six fish sticks, twice at eight
With your beady eyes you look into mine
God only knows what goes around in your primitive mind
Dunno if you know our days together are numbered
But why think of that while we are together
Snoozing in a corner when you are alone
You somersault when we are around
Thinking you are Spiderman you try to cross the glass walls
You don't speak a word as you stare into the world
But when we are around, baby you do rock
Your needs are little as are you
Six fish sticks, twice at eight
With your beady eyes you look into mine
God only knows what goes around in your primitive mind
Dunno if you know our days together are numbered
But why think of that while we are together